Wait no longer…..
Here’s your chance to be a charter member of the newest revolutionary concept in e-mail and internet programs. provides you with the one and only permanent ID and e-mail you will ever need. Your new e-mail can be linked to you entire personal profile.
Developed by Dr. Noh, this new e-mail protocol will change the way the world uses the internet. A leading Korean newspaper calls Dr. Noh the “21st Century Einstein.” Dr. Noh has found the way to make your off-line ID into your on-line ID. This product has spent years in development and is now ready for the world to embrace.
The concept is simple. You can link any form of ID from your phone number to driver license or even for car’s license plate to your new PermaID e-mail. This is the one and only address you will ever need.
Being hailed as truly amazing, PermaID is the first “guessable” system that allows others to find you based on your new ID. PermaID is a portal site for business owners, providing its business Email ID as well as website ID, by using a business phone number.
Have you ever tried to guess someone’s e-mail address just to have the e-mail bounce back at you? NO MORE! Since this is a platform email ID, strangers/customers can guess your business email address as well as business website URL.
By using your business logo, people can guess how to reach you. There is NO URL to buy and signing up is easy. The best part of permaID’s platform is that it’s also a proxy email/website which connects to your regular email/website ID with your PermaID.
There will be no more anonymous email accounts. No anonymous registrations will be allowed assuring a 100% addressable platform without spam. This means no more Spam/Fraud because the TOS detects spam and fraud emails and keeps them from
All e-mails have the PID logo which immediately indicates that the e-mails are part of the PID system.
This extraordinary new platform uses guessable, numeric, and pronounceable protocols.
Business can use any of the following to create their PermID:
Biz-phone# + Ext(extension number here)
Old biz
Individuals can use any of the following to create their PermID:
Auto license plate#
Driver License#
Old email
Old phone #
Old physical
Military (4 Veterans)
In addition PermID will generate a digitized Yellow and White Pages along with other useful directories.
This system is for individuals and businesses alike. Businesses (no matter how big or small) can enhance their current system. You will be able to issue a sales alert or business memo with the click of a mouse. Governments can now have a permanent ID for all residents. Amber alerts and weather bulletins can instantly be sent. Notices can be sent with the assurance that they will reach the intended person(s).
Sign up for a trial today!